March has a reputation to uphold and despite February’s best efforts, Spring will not be presented on a silver platter.  It must be earned.  Bitter winds and snowfall, reminiscent of early Winter, confirmed March’s iron fisted rule.  We can only hope his reign softens and thaws as the month evolves.


The warming trend we experienced over the weekend sent many out into the sweet, temperate air where our hearts and minds were permitted to dream of green, lush grass, blooming buds and buzzing life, but there was a slight issue.  Months of freezing temperatures, snow, ice and wind left our yards a bit of a mess.  For some unknown reason, a litany of leaves have made their way back into our yard despite our best Fall efforts.  From whence they came, I’ll never know, but one thing’s for sure, a clean up is most definitely in order.  But why?


Spring clean ups position our yards and gardens to exploit the best of Spring’s warmer temperatures and rain fall.  Essentially, a clean up allows us to put our best foot forward by:

  • Raking and cleaning out accumulated leaves and debris.
  • Pulling dead annuals and cutting back dead perennial stalks and ornamental grasses.
  • Pruning any dead, diseased, weak or crossing branches, except for Spring-blooming plants, like Forsythia & Lilac.  They should not be pruned until after they’ve bloomed.
  • Edging or re-edging bed edges and tree rings.
  • Adding mulch to beds and tree rings.
  • Assessing and addressing lawn issues.


The weather will, undoubtedly, swing from one extreme to the other, but make no mistake, Spring is just a stone’s throw away.  Schedule your clean up now by contacting Sweeney’s today!

“I hear the passing echoes of winter and feel the warming spring on my face.”

-Terri Guillemets

Best wishes,

Kim Sweeney