The long, languid days of Summer and the unfettered rhythm of the season will soon give way to the bustling, fractured schedule of school, and all its extra curricula.  Even though the calendar says otherwise, we all know that Summer is about to hit the wall as Fall scrambles up its weary carcass with fresh legs to bring forth its bounty and beauty, and thus Summer becomes just a memory.  Before the season falls and fades and becomes nothing more than a trampoline from which Fall leaps onto the scene, let’s address the issue of late summer lawn issues, more specifically grubs and sod webworm.  A riveting topic?  Not so much, but an important one that requires our attention.


Grubs are considered one of the most destructive lawn pests, feeding on the lawn’s roots.  Damage present itself initially as thinning and weakening of the lawn, followed by small patches of dead, brown, or wilted grass. Sure, these symptoms seem somewhat vague and can be caused by a myriad of problems, including poor soil and drought; however, the grub’s presence is unmistakable.  Simply peeling back the grass will reveal the white, “c-shaped” larvae.  Their destruction starts in mid-August and may continue until early October.  Insecticides should be applied and proper maintenance techniques should continue, including the importance of not overwatering the lawn.  Some of the recommended products include Halofenozide, Heterorhabditis Bacteriophora, Imidacloprid, and Trichlorfon.  Yeah, I can’t pronounce them either.  Some of the brand names include Mach 2, Cruiser, Merit, Grub X, and Dylox.  No, these aren’t the new Dodge models.  Generally, after applying the chemicals, it is recommended that the area be drenched with water immediately after application.  Don’t care to treat them yourself or are simply unsure which product to use?  Call Sweeney’s and schedule your grub control treatment today.


Sod webworms attack the lawn differently from grubs, feeding on the leaf blades of grass.  Damage presents itself as scattered brown patches, which can combine into larger brown areas.  Again, somewhat vague; however, their presence too is unmistakable.  Small, buff-colored moths fly out of the lawn when disturbed.  Simply walk through the affected areas and take note of the moths as they fly up out of the lawn.  Moths are the adults, and when they are present, you know you have webworms that actually live in the thatch layer, not the soil.  You may see them just above the soil line.  They are voracious eaters that feed only at night.  To help control their populations, reduce the thatch layer if thicker than 1/2″ and apply insecticide, like  Carbaryl, Halofenozide, Imidacloprid, and Trichlorfon, also better known as Sevin, Mach 2, Merit, and Dylox.  Again, if you’re not comfortable applying yourself or are unsure which product to use, give us a call today and keep your lawn healthy, lush, and green.


“If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy,
if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you,
if the simple things in nature have a message you understand,
Rejoice, for your soul is alive.”
– Eleanora Duse

Best wishes,

Kim Sweeney