Tom’s July Tips
- Plants should receive one to two inches of water every 7 to 10 days. Supplement water if we have not had sufficient rainfall. Pay particular attention to drought-sensitive plants such as Maple, Birch, Hydrangea and Katsura.
- Thin older shrubs that have become over grown by removing 1/3 of the older stems.
- Remove watersprouts and suckers from ornamental fruit trees.
- Cut rose blooms back to the first set of five leaves after blooming to encourage stronger canes and more flowers.
- Divide and replant Iris. Discard any plant showing signs of insects or disease.
- Remove spent flowers and pinch back leggy foliage from annuals and perennials to promote bushier growth and more flowers. Stop pinching mums after July 10th to allow flower buds to set.
- In hot weather, let the grass grow longer by raising the height of your mower blade.
- Provide fresh water for birds and other wildlife.
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