- Feb 10 2021
- Landscaping, Winter
- 0
What’s Lurking Beneath the Snow?
February 10, 2021 Landscaping, Winter 0

Brittle was the air, thin and slicing. The landscape creaked and moaned in its fragility – comforted only by the insulating embrace of snow. February did more than whisper her intentions. She hissed them. It will be some time before…
- Jun 17 2020
- Landscaping, Summer
- 0
Bee Friendly: Celebrating National Pollinator Week
June 17, 2020 Landscaping, Summer 0

Like a thousand tiny lanterns flickering here and there amongst the fading light, the Fireflies made a rousing return to the evening landscape. Their debut seemed celebratory as if welcoming the Summer Solstice, which officially arrives on Saturday. Hot on…
- Jun 5 2019
- Landscaping, Summer
- 0
6 Common Garden Pests & How to Control Them
June 5, 2019 Landscaping, Summer 0

June paints the landscape in flowers and foliage while she orchestrates a symphony in bird and bug song. The long-awaited masterpiece of Summer has finally come to fruition, and as we bask in the artful glow, a few spoilers have…
- Nov 28 2018
- Landscaping, Winter
- 0
The Damaging Effects of Salt
November 28, 2018 Landscaping, Winter 0
The Evergreen boughs arched and flexed as the Oaks stooped and ached, arthritic under the grievous weight of the heavy, wet snow. Conditions were treacherous. Nature steeled itself while we were left helpless and seemingly ill prepared. As we begin…
- Feb 21 2018
- Landscaping, Winter
- 0
Desperate Landscapes
February 21, 2018 Landscaping, Winter 0
Like the receding tides, the snow melted to reveal a bruised and battered landscape. The frozen ground couldn’t possibly absorb the melting snow and unseasonable rain, making for quite a soggy mess. February is a fickle lass indeed, but she…
- Jun 21 2017
- Landscaping
- 2
Welcoming Pollinators with Plants & Garden Practices
June 21, 2017 Landscaping 2
Like a thousand tiny lanterns flickering here and there amongst the fading light, the Fireflies made a rousing return to the evening landscape. Their debut seemed celebratory, and we were a captive audience. As the night sky deepened and darkened,…
- Mar 29 2017
- Gardening, Landscaping
- 2
Matrix Gardening: The How & Why
March 29, 2017 Gardening, Landscaping 2
The Forsythia’s arching branches of rich, buttery blooms adorned the early Spring landscape, which, for the most part, still seemed to be outfitted in Winter’s olive drab garb. Here and there, Crocus sprinkled the lawn with delicate clusters of gold and lavender, while the Daffodils and Tulips seemed resolute…
- Jun 1 2016
- Landscaping
- 0
To Bee or Not to Bee
June 1, 2016 Landscaping 0
Ah, June. The sweetest of the Summer months. Gentle and blithe. Light and amiable. Warm and wholesome. She is but a peck on the cheek, called to court the child in us to frolic in her fields. Though it is…
- May 18 2016
- Landscaping
- 0
Hosta Notso Hotsa?
May 18, 2016 Landscaping 0
The morning light dappled and danced across the lawn. It was soft and benevolent. The sleepy trees seemed to stretch and extend towards her warmth while the flowers tilted their faces, greeting the day with a kiss from the sun….
- Jul 2 2014
- Landscaping, Uncategorized
- 0
Size Matters: The Importance of Scale in the Landscape
July 2, 2014 Landscaping, Uncategorized 0
July sidled in quietly under the radar, aloft on Monday night’s storms. We barely noticed its arrival, other than June quickly ran out of days, and we flipped the calendar once again. We are mere days away from the 4th of…