The Tulips, ready to bloom, await the warmth of the sun to unfurl their Spring gaiety.  Until then, they remain tightly bundled, much like us, as the temperatures have been less than inviting and down right cold.  It even snowed this morning, much to our dismay, and we appear to be stuck in a mid-Spring quandary for at least the remainder of the week.  Blech.

In an effort to warm our hearts and celebrate the bravery, courage, and sacrifice of the American soldier and their families, I invite you to celebrate GreenCare for Troops National Awareness Week (April 19th – April 25th).  If you’re not familiar with the program, GreenCare for Troops is a nationwide outreach program run by Project EverGreen that connects local landscapers with men and women serving our country in the armed forces away from home as well as wounded or disabled veterans.  As you can imagine, basic lawn care and maintenance can pose a great challenge for those who are wounded or disabled or perhaps have a loved one deployed overseas, so landscape companies, like Sweeney’s, step in to take over these tasks and provide complimentary services.  We are very committed to the program and proud to serve our soldiers as they’ve served us.  Join us in learning about the program and all it has to offer.  If you know of a family with a deployed loved one or a wounded or disabled veteran, please reach out to us.  It’s as simple as a click away.

Today also happens to be Earth Day, which started 45 years ago by a somewhat unlikely source.  Senator Gaylord Nelson from Wisconsin founded Earth Day in 1970 in which he later received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1995.  Earth Day went international in 1990 and is celebrated in 192 countries worldwide with rallies, parades, and public awareness campaigns.  How will you celebrate?

“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.”

-Native American Proverb

Best wishes,

Kim Sweeney