Photo courtesy of Lily Sweeney.

Photo courtesy of Noah Sweeney.

Despite the tumultuous weather and irksome rain, Memorial Day marched on and local patriotism would not be quelled.  We honored those who paid the ultimate price for our freedoms, for the way of life we have come to know and love, and for the greatest country on God’s green earth.  We thank them this day and every day.

Memorial Day is the symbolic gateway to Summer where temperatures begin to warm, and rain fall seems to level off.  Soon, the threat of frost will be abolished, the earth will warm to welcome our plants, and our lawns will begin to slow, but not yet.

Given the abundant amount of rain and pleasant, cool temperatures, our lawns are growing seemingly faster than we can mow.  Optimal growth for cool season grasses happens when temperatures are between 60-75 degrees with cooler night-time temperatures in the 50’s, which is exactly what we’ve been experiencing for weeks.  Our lawns are in the honeymoon phase, and it’s a sight to behold.  Next to Spring, Fall offers the second flush of growth; however, more grass-blade growth is experienced in Spring.

Optimal temperatures for seed germination of cool season turf-grasses:

Species Temperatures (°F)
Kentucky bluegrass 59 – 86
Rough bluegrass 68 – 86
Chewings fescue 69 – 77
Creeping red fescue 59 – 77
Sheep fescue 59 – 77
Tall fescue 68 – 86
Perennial ryegrass 68 – 86
Annual ryegrass 68 – 86

While the grass is growing at a tremendous rate, it’s important that mowing continue on a regular, scheduled basis.  Mower decks can also be lowered during this time, and watering is completely and utterly unnecessary.  In fact, with the amount of rain fall we’ve received, supplemental watering is harmful.  In other words, sit back, and let Mother Nature do what she does best and enjoy the show.

“Sitting quietly, doing nothing, Spring comes, and the grass grows by itself.”

-The Gospel According to Zen

Best wishes,

Kim Sweeney