- Apr 25 2018
- Landscaping, Spring
- 0
Tree Hugging Optional
April 25, 2018 Landscaping, Spring 0
This is Bruce. He is a tree – a mighty Oak, nonetheless. He is magnificent and statuesque. He is wise and witty. I’m sure there are times Bruce is simply not in the mood to listen to me prattle on. …
- Apr 27 2016
- Landscaping
- 0
Tree Hugging Optional
April 27, 2016 Landscaping 0
I’m sure there are times Bruce is simply not in the mood to listen to me prattle on. I’m sure there are times Bruce would like to throttle me, and set me straight. I’m sure there are times Bruce wished…
- Sep 10 2015
- Fall, Landscaping
- 1
My Friend Bruce
September 10, 2015 Fall, Landscaping 1

I have a favorite tree. His name is Bruce. He’s an Oak. There’s nothing particularly special or different about Bruce, except he’s mine. He’s mine in the sense that he resides in my yard. He’s rather mature. Mature in reference…